Gun control is a serious topic for those competent and passionate enough to debate. With the series of killing sprees that have been happening in our country, many are turning to our government to create stricter gun control laws. But are more gun laws, or a ban on all guns the answer? Will banning guns make us safer? If you think it will make us safer, you are embarrassingly misinformed.
With the recent shootings in Aurora, Colorado, and in Newtown, Connecticut, many people are starting to rehash one of the oldest and popular topics of our country. Many people really believe banning guns will make America safer and better. Let's look at one of the two main arguments offered by anti-gun people:
- No guns, less crime. I mean look at Japan and South Korea.
- No guns, no school killings, no mall killings, no killings in general.
Now let's lay down some knowledge for anti-gun people. Yes Japan and South Korea have some of the lowest crime rates in the world but it's not because they have a civilian ban on guns. Switzerland has a low crime rate just like Japan yet the majority of their populace have or do own guns. They even have a saying: Switzerland doesn't need an army, they are the army."
A ban on guns does not decrees crime levels. In fact, many places that have banned guns have an increase of rape, burglary, theft, and murder. Why? Because bans on guns takes away the rights from people who actually abide by law and they have nothing to defend themself. Criminals do not abide by laws hence why they are called CRIMINALS. You are taking away law abiding citizen's rights to protect and defend themselves and saying to criminals, "Well now that our people don't have guns on them or in their immediate vicinity, you can have a free for all and commit your crimes with the guns you get illegally and already have since you don't care about our laws!"
Banning guns does not unarm criminals, it unarms law abiding citizens. It prevents people from protecting themselves and others.
Let me put into perspective how banning guns does nothing to prevent criminals and everyday people from harming other innocent people:
There is a law ban of all firearms and weapons on school properties. Does that ban on guns prevent criminals from coming on campus to shoot people? No. Does that ban prevent school stabbings? No. It is a gun and knife and all weapon ban yet it does nothing to lesson crimes committed on school property.
Should we ban knives as well as guns? Let's look at story where a GUN CARRYING man stopped a stab spree at a grocery store in Utah:
Link 1:
Gun Carrying Man Stops Stabbing Spree in Utah
Link 2:
Gun Carrying Man Stops Stabbing Spree in Utah
Stabbings happen just as much as gun crimes yet no one proposes a ban on knives.
On December 14th 2012 in China, a man walked into an elementary school and STABBED 23 children. It is such a parallel to what happened in Newtown, Connecticut yet it happened with a knife. http://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/1107051/child-stabber-china-affected-doomsday-rumours
No one proposes a ban on ALCOHOL either which kills people all the time and creates anger and violence towards other innocent people yet people like the ban on marijuana which is safe and non-harmful.
In 2010, 211 children were killed in drunk driving crashes. Out of those 211 deaths, 131 (62 percent) were riding with the drunk driver. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. “Traffic Safety Facts 2010: Alcohol Impaired Driving” Washington DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2011.
In 2010, there were 10,228 fatalities in crashes involving a driver with a BAC of .08 or higher - 31 percent of total traffic fatalities for the year. http://www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/811606.pdf
Targeting guns is ignorant. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Spoons don't make you fat, you make you fat by what you put in your mouth. Pencils don't misspell words, you misspell words. Knives don't stab people, people stab people.
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